Television drama first shown on Showtime, October 1st, 2006. The series follows the exploits of a police blood pattern analyst, Dexer Morgan, who moonlights as a serial Killer. Developed by Jaimes Manos, Jr, and starring Michael C.Hall.
Motoko Kusanagi is a character from the Ghost in the Shell Anime and manga series. A cyborg, she is employed as a squad leader in a division of the Japanese National Public Safety Commisssion.
An action, stealth, adventure game set against the backdrop of the American Revolution. Set for release on October 30, 2012 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows.
Kratos, character from Sony Santa Monica's God of War series of video games, first appearing in the 2005 title, God of War, which led to the development of five additional games (with a sixth, God of War Ascension currently in development).