A Korean mmo game created by Nexon, the company behind Maple Story.
Wallpaper (26) from Japanese Website (slow loading)
alternative wallpaper source ABCgames.CZ
thanks to download munkey
for the Korean Website link
tags Zera Imperan Intrique Wallpaper mmo online games Nexon
Wow, the artwork is very nice! ;) I like #20 on the official site. Great find, Elderly!
Just an update - The Korean site has the same wallpapers as ABCGames.cz.
Awaiting more excellent wallpaper finds from you ... sir!
i'd never heard of the game, but it seems as usual we'll have to wait yonks till they launch an english language version, but they did put some care into the wallpaper. how on earth did you get the korean link, thank you....
Yea, maybe I should write a post on searching for korean wallpapers ;)
Most Excellent...
indeed I know one earnest disciple...
hiya nikolas.. found in the wee small hours of the morning... amazing what insomnia will do...
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