Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sonic the Hedgehog (Ps3) wallpaper

Sonic celebrates his 15th anniversary by blazing his way onto the next-generation consoles, with his first adventure set in the human world. Featuring interactive 3D environments and a large cast of returning and new characters.

Wallpaper (9) from Official Website



Nikolas said...

Ahh, the next generation of a game in wich you could pass the level by holding the down button, charge the spin to infinity and just leting your self go tho the thrils of super sonic speed.

Unknown said...

aye how things have changed.. .but this one didn't get a good reception.... pity it looked beautiful....

Nikolas said...

Indeed it did.
How come such a bad reception?

Unknown said...

the 360 version managed only 46% on metacritic, frustrating camera angles, poor controls, framerate issues......

Sonic secret rings on wii fared much better...

Nikolas said...

Oh, so the problems of nearly all 3D platforms hit Sonic like brick wall.
To bad. How I wonder why they let those sort of things pass by the game testers.

... Must invest some money in consoling...

Unknown said...

consoling has it pitfalls, yes the ease of laying back on armchair and switching on a machine and getting straight into a game is a bonus..

but no third party mods or extra missions, plus the cost of being part of the next gen is extortionate

Nikolas said...

Aye, ti's true. Nevertheless, a console might be good for me, my gaming has come to a alarming standstill.
The flaws are there, but never fear, they are lesser in comparison to the love and joy a console brings in to a home. :P

Unknown said...

..ah the love and joy.... though I admit it completely cuts out fighting for the remote control.....

though FK may have some wise words to impart on his experience of consoles and his ginger headed brigade...

Nikolas said...

What words oh so wise does the Father have. I am desperate to learn.
And what of his brigade?
I am rarely informed on matters not regarding food.

Unknown said...

...indeed such is the way of the blog... we look forward to discourse with individuals we will rarely meet, and no very little about them.... his brigade i beleive are all red heads.... though i think the follicle pigment is sadly lacking in FK's image...