Continuing where the movie left off Ghost Rider the Video game drops players into the role of Blaze as he is transformed into a super hero with powers to avenge any evil he encounters. Featuring many of the characters and motorcycles from the comic book and movie, Ghost Rider engages gamers in an immersive, supernatural third person world with a seamless blend of hand-to-hand combat and high-speed motorcycle action.
Wallpaper (4) from Official Website
tags Ghost Rider Wallpaper Wallpapers Official Website
By personal opinion, wise and elderly person, do you deem this game worthy of investments?
Didn't really like the movie, so I'm not quite certain.
nope a complete cash in... .
the leprechaun said it all
and I had such high hope for it...
Oh, I see.
To bad, the actual GR art is really impressive, so how come they can't make anything good out of it? When GR film first hit the scene there where hordes of fans swarming to get it, only to bite a rotten apple. Now the same whit the game, only some have learned their lesson the first time and passed.
How depressive.
..i'ts such a pity they let them do this.. but marvel must have sanctioned the final game release.... they wouldn't have let an issue of ghostrider this bad out the door
oh well...
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