Need for Speed: Carbon is the latest installment in the Need for Speed series,Carbon features the Canadian actress and model Emmanuelle Vaugier as Nikki, the player's main source of help and ally in the Career storyline. Game play is based upon rival street racing clubs and teams. The cop with the mustache in the arrest sequences is modeled off Neil Eskuri, the Senior Art Director.
Wallpaper (46) from Official Website
tags Need for speed carbon wallpaper ps2 xbox xbox 360
Haven't played this part, but from what I hear it's not realy the pride of the NFS series.
I seem to be leaving a lot of comments everywhere since I got here.
To much perhaps?
not at all comments are good... ever since they removed my straight jacket comments have been my bread and butter...
indeed you are right not their greatest instalment but the I have the last one "underground" and it's ace.... the urban setting is well impressive...
On that I would have to agree.
Underground is indeed a vary good game, which is unusual for me to say since I am not to big of a racing simulation fan.
On the other hand, I am a gamer in general. One able to enjoy every good game ever produced. Even life sim games.
I've never managed to completely master the RTS genre... though god knows i've tried.... but i'll gladly take up anything else....
Myself being born along side whit an Amiga 500 am, to say the least, a fairly good player of more or less any game. RTS, and strategy games in general, seem to be my strong point along whit the FPS genre.
My father was so happy to heve been blessed whit an Amiga 500. I still have the photos of them playing together.
My strong conection to the world of gaming seems to have cost me an ample amount of social conduct skills...
Bit of a trade off...
Wander was it worth it?
erm.... given the state of my local community i'd say yes, well worth it.
Though i am wary of the time I invest in my gaming, on occassion i overindulge, which I admit is detrimental to my health and my social contacts.
It took me a while to realise that people might need me... so now i've got that figured out, i limit myself... I suppose over indulgence in anything is... ermmmm (assuming non religious, non political stance)
against the natural order of things..
I could not agree more.
It is good to develop skills in all aspects of life, and to simply enjoy your self once in a while.
But if you value someone as a friend, a group even, interact and spend time whit them. Heck, at least invite them for a good game of HOMM3.
(sits on the flour, legs crossed, eyes closed, hands on knees)
There is balance, orderliness, in the universe.
(joins Nikolas on floor....)
...you do know theres a blue light surrounding you don't you....
(attempts to cross legs.... lies flat on his back instead...)
nice celing.....
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