Born Myra Ellen Amos on August 22, 1963, Tori is an American pianist and singer-songwriter. Though she has experienced limited chart success she has enjoyed an almost fanatical cult following, selling close to 12 million albums worldwide during her career. Tori is one of the few modern pop music stars to use a piano as her primary instrument. She is best known for lyrically enigmatic and emotionally intense songs
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tags Tori Amos Wallpaper Wallpapers Wall paper
Never heard of her but still im interested. Must research the matter.
...Elderly, I think I know what this blog is missing. People, it need more viewers.
yes cant' figure it.... only about 40 a day pay a brief visit then leave...... but then i console myself when i look at the wealth of amazing free wallpaper sites.... so i guess i should be a happy chicken....
..which reminds me...
(brings in.. southern fried chicken wings and beer.....)
Be proud of your work. Your hoard of information is admirable. Wallpapers are mostly impressive as well...
...Um, can I have a piece of wing, or perhaps some beer?
..thank you once again Nikolas.. the beauty of virtual food, it never goes cold and the beer never gets warm... dig in... theres more where that came from....
heres to ... well erm... wallpapers
To wallpapers it is!
(Raises mug and chears, post to which gulps down the whole thing)
.. Ahh..
And now for some chicken...
...cheers .... (holds chicken platter out for Nikolas...) mind the bones in the chicken wings.....
(a few pounds afterwards)
Ah, now that whas a plentifull meal.
Thank you for the feast, Elderly.
(sitting next to a pile of, darn, wing bones)
Perhaps another mug and I'll be on my way.
...sure you'll have one for the road.... (checks watch...) sure it's too early to go home now
(..fills up Nikolas' mug...)
Well, I guess one more can't do any harm...
(tilts head giving the mug a meaningful observation)
..Bottoms up!
(the mugs apparently meaningless contents disappear)
...Never was a mild drinker.
Though my head seems to be spared, my legs always get it.
(sitting on floor......) im ahead of ya... hic!..... though im still working on a solution to the room spinning......
U, I 'now that one!
Do as I do, do as I do.
..Ready ? Now only do half a blink.
(closes his eyes and stars losing balance, eventualy meting the groung)
Oh, hello. Who might you be?
Matters not, we will talk later.
Now Eld, Eldd. Elderly, yeah thats it. Guess I didn't quite think this trough...
..no worries we still have the bottle.... you do still have the bottle don't you?..
It appears the it's quite a elusive fella.
Keeps running in circles it does...
...Can't, seem, to, grab it...
(fighting a long and weary battle against the bottle, eventually giving up)
Nope. Don't have it...
..is okay i've got a magnet and a piece of string.......
....(ties magnet around string... nope ties string around magnet...casts magnet into the swirling mists....)
...got something......
(Looks deeply in to the ever swirling and seemingly expanding mists)
Did you get it?
(As elderly pulls the string, Nikolas eagerly awaiting expecting a sweet outcome)
...damn.. metal litter bin...
time to cast again... better luck this time.. no wait... i've just remembered...
(pulls flask out of packet......)
...me emergency tequila stash...
we're saved.....
Yay! Tequila.
Elderly, you sneaky old devil you.
You saved the day.
If you don't mind, I would like to fish some more.
No point in letting perfectly good beer go to waste.
(handing the fishing rod to Nikolas...) your perfectly correct...
cast far and wide... who knows what we'll catch....
..i wonder when the gravity is going to be restored.....
Zero gravity is a good thing if casting far is my aim.
(still "!a bit!" woozy for all the liquor, Nikolas swings the rod overhead)
Now we wait...
(elderly whistles an old refrain....)
hic!... ooops pardon me...
....(concentrates on the swirling room where Nikolas has cast the magnet.....)
(magnet clanks to a metal object)
Got something!
(Pulls the string whit force which sends that object flying)
What th....
(a high velocity projectile hits him in the head sending him to the flour)
..Medic!.... (crawls towards stricken companion....)
hang hic!!!
hang in there Nikolas... don't let go... help is on the way
... Hic!
Guess gravity 's back.
Again, Ow-hic!
Medic... Medic?!
Oh my, Elderly
What hapened? Are you ok?
thank god your safe.... it was pretty hairy there for a while... me.?
...couldn't be better...
I can confirm gravity is back.....the effects of the alcohol are wearing off... we'll be right as rain soon.... unless.... unless of course you managed to snag us more beer.....
don't look now, but theres a man in a white uniform walking towards us...... you didn't order ice-cream by any chance..?
I brought a back pack whit me when I arrived.
(points (well sort of) in the direction of a greenish\gray back pack)
There's an emergency beer ration in the front compartment.
As for that man. Hm...
...Nope, don't remember ordering any ice cream...
The milk man perhaps.
You do have milk delivered, right?
...backpack pure genious... well reel it in my stomach thinks my throats been cut....
Nikolas why is the milkman shining a torch in my eyes....?
Hm, must be a retinal scanner.
Guess the deary industry got their budget increased.
(Takes the magnet whit string. Painful memories arise but nevertheless, casts it towards the backpack.)
Got it!
At least I think I do..?
..no just two pints, i don't need an intravenous.... this milkman has lost the plot...
Nikolas you've got it.. .reel it in, we're in business again!!!
wait... i think i can stand....
...nope...i was wrong, phew that was scary....
(pulls on the string, slowly...)
Aha, got it.
...Offer the good, slightly confused, man a drink. Maybe that 'll straighten him out on what to be doing.
Now that you mention organ functions...
...Oh my! I can't feel my belly button!
jeez a paralysed belly button... that's frightening..... come to think of it... i can't feel mine either....
(Drinks some beer)
share for god's sake, i've had a terrible shock..... (stares at belly button...) nope still can't feel it.....
(Shares the beer)
...aahhhhhhhhhh! that hit the spot.... wher'd the milkman go.... do you think we'll ever be able to leave here!.... it's been weeks now... part from the milkman, noones phoned, came looking for us.....
... ya know we could be stuck in a time vacumn..... which probably means we'll be here for years...
how much beer did you say we had again?
Really where is the milk man?
(blanks out)
...Hm. After giving it some thought, if we are in a time vacuum then my beer is in a temporal pause meaning that it will be evercold. Nice.
(calculates beer stack)
!We are on our last 3 gallons!
What will we Hic!
What will become of us.?
(hangs head in despair)
There is something on the flour...
(picks it up, reads, then show to Elderly)
In need of booze?
Got nothing to drink?
The town we cruise,
Bringing orders in a blink.
Call: 123\GOBBOOZE
S H M Emporium
..evercold beer...... woooowwww, what could be better....
evercold beer and an opportunity to get more... 3 gallons should see us through to tea time, thats if there is a tea time here....
(looks around....)
it still looks remarkably like my sitting room... let me see we started drinking on the 13th of march and it's nearly the 16th April now.....
drink up its early days.....
Mind you I Will drink for today is the day, 16th of April, that the world resound in despair, announcing my arrival. Agony was a note added not more than 11 days afterwards, for an Angel had fallen from grace. Let it echo again and never forget. Darkness and light intertwine!
Sorry. Not enough alcohol in my system.
(Drinks a bottle dry)
(calls 123\GOBBOOZE from cellphone)
..well that was lovely.. dark.. but it's sobered me right up... heres to gobbooze.... nice cellphone...
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